The 4-H Pledge:
I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better lving, for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
The 4-H Motto:
"To Make the Best Better"
How to Join 4-H
4-H has opportunities for youth ages 5-18! Morgan County offers both a Cloverbud Program and a 4-H Club Program following Ohio 4-H guidelines. Membership eligibility for the Cloverbud Program begins when a child has reached age 5 AND is enrolled in kindergarten as of January 1st of the current year; membership for the 4-H Club Program begins when a child is at least 8 AND enrolled in 3rd grade as of January 1st of the current year. Ohio 4-H membership eligibility ends December 31st of the year in which an individual attains the age of 19.
Morgan County's annual 4-H enrollment is April 1st!
With this deadline in mind, you are encouraged to find and contact a 4-H club no later than mid-March to begin the project selection & enrollment process. Many of our 4-H clubs begin meeting in January and February, so start your search for a club early! To locate a club near you, contact the OSU Extension office at 740-962-4854.
Don't live in Morgan County?- you are encouraged to contact the OSU Extension office to discuss the possibility of joining the Morgan County 4-H program. There is a request form to complete if you choose to participate Across County Lines. Here is a fillable request form to mail or email to the OSU Extension office: REQUEST. This form is due 30 days prior to the enrollment deadline for the county of request (March 1 for Morgan).
Find a 4-H Project
If you are not familiar with 4-H, it is helpful to first check out the Family Guide or the Project Central website. Hard copies of the Family Guide are available in the Morgan County Extension Office. Check out the types of 4-H projects available and choose a few that might interest you.